How To Setup JobAdder x Synaptico Integration
It covers the steps to connect your JobAdder account with Synaptico, automate candidate uploads, and ensure all interactions are synced between the two platforms.
Last updated
It covers the steps to connect your JobAdder account with Synaptico, automate candidate uploads, and ensure all interactions are synced between the two platforms.
Last updated
What the JobAdder integration does
Automates the upload of candidates from JobAdder x Synaptico, and ensures all communication is loaded back into JobAdder ATS.
Candidates will speak to Synaptico as normal once a campaign is loaded
Emails and candidate conversations will be copied back into to JobAdder
SHORTLISTED leads will be updated the campaign folder.
Candidate Phone number field will update
Candidate Status will update to 'active' in Shortlisted
Candidate Status will update to DNU if candidate reaches 'CEASE Contact' stage in Synaptico campaign.
If any CVS are attached in candidate communication, they will parse through to the candidate file library.
Step 1: Navigate to your JobAdder Login and Login.
Step 2: Click "Candidates" and search for the candidate list you want to complete a campaign with.
Step 3: Click the "Create a new Folder" field.
IMPORTANT: Name the folder something memorable you will need to match this name to Synaptico shortly. We suggest having a naming convention for you campaigns something like...Synaptico [Campaign Name] [Date] or similar.
Step 4: Click + to add the folder, filled with the candidates of your choosing
Step 5: Navigate back to and login.
Step 6: Click "Campaigns"
Step 7: Click "New email campaign"
Step 8: Enter all the details of the campaign.
Step 9: Important. Click the "Folder name" field, and enter the name of your JobAdder folder, ensure this matches the folder you have created in JobAdder.
Step 10: When you click "Preview Campaign" it should pull the candidates from that folder into Synaptico.
Step 11: You will see the number of campaign recipients change from 0/2000 to XX/2000.
Step 12: Click "Publish Campaign" to launch the campaign.
You did it!
Important: As candidates hit shortlist OR send their CVs, the notes will be added to the candidate folder you made, and the CVs will be added to the candidate file library.